Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Do Not Go Gentle

I just finished an amazing book, and just thought I'd talk about it. It's called Matched by Ally Condie. It's an amazing book, about a dystopian society where everyone's important choices are made for them. Like, who they'll marry, or what job you'll have. The main character, Cassia is "matched" with two people by mistake, her sweet, caring best friend Xander, and the mysterious, confusing outcast boy named Ky. She tries her best not to fall for Ky, because she is officially matched to Xander, but to no prevail. She falls for Ky, and has to make a choice.

The book is truly AMAZING and I recommend it to everyone. (Plus, the covers just beautiful! Don't you think?) My favorite part is the illegal poem Cassia's grandfather gives her when he dies. One of the lines is, "Do not go gentle." and it quickly becomes the main theme of the book. Every time Cassia is commanded to do something by an Official, she's remembers those words and stays strong.

I hope that someday, I can write a story or a book as great as this one. I want to tell a love story as strong and powerful as this one. I don't want to "go gentle" and publish those cheesy romance novels that are published like magazines. I want to write something that sticks with someone, and isn't just a great "beach read". I want to write something that matters. I want to write about characters who need their voices heard.

I want to write a story as great as what I think is the greatest romance novel written so far. No, it's not Twilight (gag) It's a book I don't think hardly anyone has read, but everyone should. It's called Scrambled Eggs At Midnight the titles just as quirky as the characters, and I love it. So, I've given you two books that not only should you read, but you should buy, because you'll want to read them more them once!

-Zo (almost O'Hara)

1 comment:

  1. K Zo i'm reading both of these books and they'd better be good! Well, since you like them i bet they're ok
