Saturday, April 9, 2011

100 Things

I noticed that Twitter was having an ongoing, "100 facts about me" thingy going on. I have no twitter account, so I'll do 100 things here cuz that how I roll!

1) My name's Zoey

2) My middle name is Noel but it was almost O'Hara (hints the name of this blog)

3) I used to think of myself as one of those crazy Jonas Brothers fans that liked them because they were hot.

4) Now I respect them as musicians, and see their music as inspiration (but, they aren't that bad to look at)

5) I curse more then I should. It's a bad habit.

6) I used to hate Taylor Swift, until I actually listened to her music. Now, she's one of the main reasons I write music.

7) I've never been kissed ;)

8) 80% of my songs have been written in my Algebra class. Polynomials are very inspiring.

9) I love Disney musicals. They're my guilty pleasure.

10) I love watching indie comedies.

11) I'm addicted to Saturday Night Live. Seth Myers and Andy Samberg crack me up.

12) My friends have to tell me to shut up when I start talking to about Joe Jonas

13) Is my lucky number. Always has been.

14) I think Justin Bieber is a spotlight stealing jerk.

15) I wrote a song about Joe Jonas. I hope I can play it for him sometime.

16) I'm not very good at being social

17) When I grow up, I want to be a writer, or a Broadway actress with a couple Tony's under my belt.

18) My dog's name is Kyuss.

19) I've always secretly wished I could draw.

20) I like taking pictures.

                                                                  (Cell phone photography)

21) I hate riding the bus.

22) I'm terrified of getting my learner's next year

23) I almost got Taylor Swift tickets, but it didn't work out.

24) I'm LDS (Mormon) but I'm not very good at it.

25) My best friend's a guy.

26) I'm a hypocrite for being Team Xander after reading Matched.

27) I'm addicted to Psych. I think Shawn Spencer is the best TV character ever. I'd kill to have a guest spot on that show.

28) My favorite Jonas Brother's songs are Black Keys, Turn Right, and Underdog.

29) I'm dying to hear Joe Jonas' solo album.

30) I love Ocean Grove. Garbo is amazing.

31) My dad's an artist.

32) I living in the most boring state you can think of.

33) Chris Farley is awesome. Government cheese.

34) I always wonder what I'd be like to be a wedding planner.

35) P!nk is so kick awesome. F*** Perfect has been my theme song for weeks.

36) I regret blowing off a casting call I got after filling something out at the mall. I swear. the new Disney show coming up, Madison High was like, written for me.

37) I journal almost everyday.

38) I like writing fan fiction.

39) I'm sort of a hippy.

40) I'm LOVE the play Wicked but I've never seen it.

41) I was a Twi-hard for about a week in 6th grade.

42) I write songs, but I can't read music.

43) I've read more books then any person should.

44) I sometimes wish I was a pop star.

45) I sing in the shower.

46) I plan on getting a cat when I'm older, and naming him Sean Connery. (There's a great back story to that! Remind to post that one later)

47) I wish I lived by the beach.

48) I liked to be called Zo or Z.

49) I'm almost half way there!

50) My iPod's purple.

51) Growing up, I was obsessed with Blue's Clues.

52) My dad told me that Steve from Blue's Clues didn't leave for college. He quit the show, shaved his head, and joined a rock band.

53) I'm running out of things to say.

54) Wikipedia is a miracle.

55) Conan O'Brian is hilarious. Especially when he uses Wikipedia. tee-hee

56) Someday, I'll be famous for something good.

57) I still think of my hair as blonde, even though it's brown now. Thanks to getting older.

58) I'm not always myself.

59) I am NOT flexible. I can't even touch my toes.

60) My favorite actor is a tie between Jesse Eisenberg (for his work in The Living Wake I have yet to see The Social Network) and Mark Wahlberg. (AKA Marky-Mark of New Kidz On the Block)

61) I want to learn American Sign Language.

62) If I could go anywhere, I'd be New York City/

63) One of my goals is to have Conan O'Brian do his little bow thingy on his show when he says my name.

64) I wish I could play guitar.

65) I'm left handed.

66) When I have kids, I'm going to name them Vivianna, Adam, and Violet.

67)  I love a good ol' cheesy sitcom every now and then ex: Full House

68) I still eat mac 'n cheese

69) I tried reading Pride and Prejudice, but it gave me a headache so I stopped. I'm still not sure why they never left Mr. Darcy's house.

70) I think I should be playing Katniss Everdeen in the Hunger Games movies. No offence to Jennifer Larwrence.

71) My favorite movie right now, (since it usually changes weekly) The Living Wake

72) Brian Regan is the best comedian ever. He doesn't need to swear or talk about dirty things to have me laughing so hard that I start to cry.

73) I used to dance as a kid.

74) I wish I was funny.

75) My nail's are painted pale green. Like Cassia's silk dress  in Matched.

76) I love bacon and eggs.

77) I talk a lot.

78) When I was younger, I used to make pointless lists in my notebook. I wish I didn't throw them all out.

79) I love irony way too much.

80) I'm the only one at my school who seems to be into all the stuff I'm in.

81) I know WAY to much then any person should about Greek mythology.

82) Sadly, I get way to into books.

83) I have read all of the Maximum Ride books, and I'm Team Fang for life!

84) I've always wanted a Twitter account.

85) When I was little, I never owned a Ken doll. I had Barbies, and GI Joe's. They had serious six packs.

86) I love laughing so hard I start to cry.

87) Jonas Brother's fans think I'm a crack up. I get like 13 "likes" everytime I make a witty comment on the Jonas's status' on Facebook.

88) I Love car insurance commercials. They get more and more outrageous as the days go on.

89) Favorite bands: Jonas Brothers, Ocean Grove, Vampire Weekend, Going Second.

90) Even though I think Joe is the cutest Jonas, I have more in common with Nick.

91) Le Miz made me cry, and I only heard the music,

92) Purple's my favorite color.

93) I'm running out of things to say.

94) I make lots of typos, so sorry!

95) I had my first can of Coke a year ago, and I hated it.

96) I love the summer.

97) I think hitting golf ball, not golfing is fun.

98) This blog is loads of fun to write.

99) I'm a sucker for a good romance novel.

100) Chick flicks are awesome.

Well that's 100 things about me! :D


1 comment:

  1. wow zo, i never knew half of that, and we've been friends since fifth grade! and now i know why this blog is called almost o'hara!
