Saturday, June 25, 2011

A Glass Half Shattered

Another book review! I just finished Tempo Change by Barbara Hall. It's about 16 year old Blanche Kelly, who's dad was a famous indie rock star in the 90's. He left when she was six, to go find himself. Her mother was never the same after he left, and tried to erase all things not normal about their family to try to forget him. She joined AA and cleaned up her act. Moved to Santa Monica and got Blanche into a nice private school.

All of that horrifies Blanche. She has her father, Duncan Kelly on a pedestal. He can do no wrong. His leaving was all her mothers fault. He was an artist! He felt trapped and didn't know what to do about it. Her mom didn't try hard enough to keep him around. She was suffocating him.

Music is in Blanche's blood, and soon she starts her own band called the Fringers. (Since she lives on the fringe of normal people, much like myself) They rise in the ranks and end up being asked to compete at Coachella music festival in the Unsigned Competition. Blanche emails her dad the good news, and he agrees to come. Since her dad's coming, Blanche decides they should end their set with a cover of her dad's most famous song, A Glass Half Shattered.
When people find out that Blanches' dad is THE Duncan Kelly, they ask her to sing A Glass Half Shattered with him onstage. She agrees, because she doesn't want to disappoint her dad, even though it was supposed to be her time to shine. He steals the show, and they end up losing the competition because of it.

Blanche can't believe her father could be so selfish. His only retort, "If you put me on a pedestal, the only thing I can do it tear myself down."  

Another theme in this book that interested me, was Blanche's transition form determined atheist,, to somewhat believer. In the beginning she says that God walked out of her life when Santa did. Slowly though, she realizes that praying and God are a lot like wishes, and luck. I'm really not explaining it very well. It's hard too.

Monday, June 20, 2011

It's Not About the $$$

Book review time! I just read a book that has to be in my top 10! It's called, The Fortunes of Indigo Skye and is about an 18 year old waitress named Indigo, who is as happy as can be. She has a job she loves, an adorable boyfriend, and a family that may be a little crazy, but is filled with love. (Much like my own, in all honesty).

One day. a mysterious new customer starts coming into the diner she works at, and leave her a tip that changes her life forever. A tip for 2.5 MILLION DOLLARS! At first, everything's great. She can buy all sorts of things for the people she loves. Soon though, the money starts to change her just like everyone warned. She begins to feel... powerful. Like she deserves to be treated better because of it. She starts to be come like every other stuck up person with lots of money. Finally, she snaps out of it though, and realizes her family is much more important than the money.

I LOVED this book because I loved Indigo. She is amazing, sarcastic, witty, and she thinks just like me! I love her, and wish she was a real person! Everyone needs to read this book. I'm telling you, it will change your life!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Fun Facts!

-I've always wanted to say, "Hi, I'm Zoey! And you're watching Disney Channel!"
-I have 83 Jonas Brothers posters in all
-I love Joe Jonas, but have more in common with Nick
-I LOVE to read!
-Demi Lovato is an inspiration.
-I have many deep, dark secrets
-I'm 5"3
-Joe Jonas is 5"8
-I like making lists!
-I'm a total insomniac!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Maybe This...

I think this summarizes what I was saying earlier better. I'm part of a family. I'm one of the people who was blessed with a heart open to the three boys from New Jersey that have changed so many lives. I'm a Jonas Brothers fan, and I don't care what YOU think.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

This is Me!

I am a Jonas Head. A Jonatic. I'm a Kevinator (Kevin Jonas Fan), a Stayer (Nick Jonas Fan), and last but not least, a Joe Hoe (That one speaks for itself. Joe Jonas fan...)

I do not care what you think about that! This is me! I have been a Jonas Head since I was 10 years old. It was completely by chance. I went to that concert to see Hannah Montana, but I came out in love with three boys from New Jersey.

They taught me a lot about myself. When people think of the Jonas Brothers, they think of Disney pop and decide not to listen. They hear the music, they just don't listen to it. The don't understand that 'A Little Bit Longer' is an amazing, emotional piano piece about Nick's struggle with Type 1 Diabetes since the age of 13. They don't know how much the lyrics from 'Don't Speak' speak to me!

There's a lot that you don't notice
When you read between the lines
The future's out of focus
And blinded by the light
It's a hope for all the hopeless
In the worst of trying times
I resort to being speechless
So I'll avoid the lines! 

The picture above is from a great blog that ALL Jonas Heads should check out.

They are NOT just a boy band. They actually have great music that has touched lives. Think about it for a minute. Have your heard their music, or have you listened to it?
                                                                 (Rose Garden. It made me cry)

                                                                  (A fun song)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I Used To Be Afraid of Letting Go, the Fragile Part of Me

I completely forgot to do my monthly ramble for May! I guess I'll do it now though. Better late then never! :D

I think it's strange how certain things seem to trigger memories that don't have anything to do with those memories, yet have everything to do with them. Like eating a cupcake with chocolate frosting, and remember sleepovers with your grandmother eating gram crackers with frosting on top and watching movies. Or reading a story that hits close to home enough that it makes you cry, even when it has NOTHING to do with what you're crying about. 

Do you ever feel... broken? That's how I've been feeling a lot lately. I don't know how to explain it. I'm not depressed or anything. I'm actually pretty happy for the most part. Yet I still feel... I don't know how I feel.

Is this making any sense? Sometimes I wonder why I even write thing kind of stuff  on here. So my friends can read about what a wreck I am? No thanks! But I still do it! You're probably reading this right now thinking, "Wow, I had no idea Zoey was such a nut job. She should invest in a therapist." or something similar to that. You know it's true.

The title to this ramble fits it perfectly, didn't you think? It's my favorite line from See No More, which I think I've talked about a lot on here lately.


Saturday, June 4, 2011

I Don't Wanna See No More!

So Joe Jonas has officially started his solo career! It took a few listens, but I actually kind of like the song! It's very... mainstream I guess is a good word to use. Definitely something that could make it on the top 40 list. It's not my favorite, but I'm being supportive because that's what Jonas fans to!

I really need some Jonas friends to hang out with/facebook. It's pretty lonely being the only Jonas Brothers fan in your whole town possibly! I need to get better at being friendly to fans at concerts. Maybe I'll end up with a Jonas friend I can hang out with.

Blogging cuz I'm bored,


Thursday, June 2, 2011

All To Home

Time for a book review! I haven't done one of those in awhile! I just read a really, really great book called Waiting For Normal by Leslie Conner.

The books' about 12 year old Addie, who live in a trailer with her careless mother, who she calls, Mommers. Mommers just got a divorce from Addie's very nice and caring step dad, Dwight. Addie misses Dwight and her two half sisters. Brynna and Katie. Mommers is NOT a good parent. She leaves home for days at a time on "business trips" The book never says what she's doing, but I have a pretty good idea.

Addie's very optimistic, and sweet. She always thinks about the first time Mommers left when she and Dwight had first gotten divorced.  She was nine, and was alone alone with four year old Brynna, and one year old Katie for THREE days. She called Dwight, not sure what to do, and ever since he little sisters aren't allowed to come visit very often. She thinks she did something wrong because she doesn't get to see her sisters anymore. She doesn't know what a good, brave thing she did.

That hit close to home. I wasn't like, abandoned like Addie was, but I did have an incident as a child when I didn't know what to do, and calling and asking for help changed things dramatically. I don't like to talk about it. Only people really close to me know that story. I only tell it to people I trust. Unfortunately, I trusted someone with that story a year ago, and they didn't react in a good way. I'm even more careful now.

It all ends up okay though. Addie ends up living with Dwight and her sisters, while Mommers ends up in jail, pregnant and alone. I feel bad for Mommers, but then I don't. She brought everything on herself. The worst part is, she didn't know she was doing anything wrong.

All in all, it's a really great book. I highly recommend it! Thanks for reading, and leave a comment below! Tell me what you think!
