*I spend forever getting my creativity on in my journal!
*S'mores in the backyard 'till you puke!
*Girls Camp!
*Just thinking about the beach...
*Watching your friends social lives from afar on facebook cuz you have don't have one but need one!
*Thinking about all the mistakes you make last year, and how you can fix them next year
*Getting a sunburn all over you're back cuz you were writing instead of swimming at the lake :/
*Going to the library and loading up on books
*Waking up noon because you CAN!
*Stalking Joe Jonas' facebook page because summer 2011 is the Summer of Joe J!
*Going to concerts and going deaf
*Having weird dreams about the guy you like and being really creeped out by how much often they occur
*Watching reruns of Pysch on Netflix until you know the theme song by heart.
*Drooling over Wentworth Miller while you also watch Prison Break on Netflix
(Hottest prisoner on that show!)
*Staying up late and night and writing on your blog because summer's when your insomnia comes out to play!
*Ben& Jerry's Milk & Cookies ice cream
*Sitting in a hammock, drinking an ice cold Pepsi with a great book.
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