Saturday, September 10, 2011

Every Tear Drop Is A Waterfall

I apologize for the depressing posts I've been writing lately. Nothings been going my way as of late, and I've been venting about it all on here. That's not fair. You don't want to read about all of that!

Something I've realized lately, is that no one really sees 100% of me. At school you see 40% of the real Zoey Noel. At home, my family gets about 60%. What's that other 40% NO one sees you ask? Well that's a pure, untouched part of myself that I only see. Those are my thoughts, my unshared dreams, the quick wit and dry humor that doesn't show up on my twitter account or formspring. A part of me, I keep to myself because the world isn't ready for the entire Zoey yet. The only other person who maybe is, is well... my Joe Jonas cut out. He knows all my deep dark secrets.

I think I'm going to share one of those on here now, just because I trust you guys. But if a super judgemental plastic from my school reads this, then I'm screwed. I;m willing to take that risk though.

In my search for the real Zoey Noel, I discovered an odd fact about myself. If I had the pain tolerance, I'd love a tattoo. Not one of those cheesy cliche ones. Not mermaids, eagles, or "mom" hearts. Something that actually means something. Not act of defiance, or a reason to put cool art on my body Song lyrics. A Jonas quote. Words basically. Words are easy, and beautiful. I love to write words, and make something with them. A story. A picture may be worth 1000 words, but 100 words are worth so much more then a picture.

Does that make sense? Of course not! This is Almost O'Hara! Nothing on this website EVER makes sense! That's because I'm writing it, and this is my life.

Peace and blessings,

Stay Classy,

Zoey O'Hara Layne

PS (Like my stage name?)

PSS Do you like the blog title? I dig Coldplay. Did you know they're this generation's Radiohead? :p

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