I'm a Disney freak. I LOVE all Disney movies, but my favorite has to be Tangled. it's just so... I don't really know how to describe it! It is my dream to play Rapunzel in the Broadway production of Tangled. I can already sing all of the songs. I would also settle, whoever, for being Rapunzel at Disneyland. It would be equally AMAZING! I'd get to do this everyday!
AHH! I think that would be so cool!
Today, I discover Disney Couture. It's a bunch of really cool collector stuff, with really cool drawings of the Disney princesses. Wondering what I want for my birthday? A Rapunzel doll or a Belle, and pretty much, EVERYTHING ON THAT WEBSITE!
If I was real, I’d have more insurance, and if I was real I’d be a lot less nervous I’m not real, I’m just bones.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Where Are We?
Yesterday, my family decided to take a 45 minute drive to Enterprise for the Corn Festival they have every year. I had a feeling it wasn't going to be as much fun as my parents thought it would be.
I was right.
When we get there, we get yelled at by hillbillies about bringing our dog to the park. Then we bring my dog to the park, and the first thing he does is poop. My dad forgot to bring baggies, so we searched the place for any trash we could use to pick it up. We founds something, and after my dad picked it up, we realized there weren't any trash cans near by. So my dad had to put it in the porta-potty. This should 've been our first sign that the day wasn't going as planned.
We decide to bail, and get lunch as this really awesome burger place called Marv's. My mom and I went inside to buy the food, and were told there was a 45 minute wait for takeout. So we left, and decided to buy chips and drinks and stuff at a connivance store down the road. This was our second sign to turn around, and just go home.
Then we went to the lake. I hate the lake, so I sat in the car most of the time and caught up on my reading assignment for English. There was a bee outside that kept bugging my sister and Mom. I decided to go outside and bug them, because my sister and I had gotten in a fight earlier that day. I turned my iPod up full blast and started singing Kleptomaniac by Joe Jonas at the top of my lungs. Then, I went back in the car. Five minutes later, my mom screamed an ran in the car. The bee stung her in the hand. This was her first bee sting by a live bee. That was our third and final warning, but again we ignored it.
"Let's take the back way home." My dad suggested. We all liked that idea. My dad knew the area pretty well, and we figured he could take us home okay. We were wrong. We drove around all day. We were hopelessly lost. Then, a small cloud came out of nowhere, and it started pouring rain. We has to pull over because it was so muddy we woud've gotten stuck. Then it started to hail, and my parents were getting scared. We were lost. It was pouring rain, and it was going to get dark in three hours.
We had seen tracks on a road a couple miles before, and we decided they must've been ours, so after the rain stopped, we started following the tracks, and we ran into Eugene. "You lost too?" He asked.
"Yeah. We were thinking this was the way back to Enterprise, so that's where we're headed." My dad replied.
"Oh no!" Eugene's wife said quickly. "That leads to a cliff with three cows on the end, and six feet of water underneath."
Our jaws dropped. Where the heck were we!?
Eugene seemed to know where we were, and he said we could follow him. He lead us into Slaughter Creek, and onto the main road. We were safe! Seven hours after leaving the lake, we were safe. It was so strange. If we hadn't have found Eugene, who knows how long we could've been out there.
I'm not a very religious person, despite the fact that I live in Utah. I was so freaked out about the prospect of spending the night in the car in the middle of no where, eating juice boxes and potato chips for dinner that I prayed. That's very out of character for me. I just prayed for us to be guided home safely, and about 15 minutes later we ran into Eugene. That was the first time in my life I've prayed, and gotten an immediate answer.
So that was my crazy adventure to the Corn Festival. And the biggest bummer, WE DIDN'T EVEN BUY ANY CORN!
I was right.
When we get there, we get yelled at by hillbillies about bringing our dog to the park. Then we bring my dog to the park, and the first thing he does is poop. My dad forgot to bring baggies, so we searched the place for any trash we could use to pick it up. We founds something, and after my dad picked it up, we realized there weren't any trash cans near by. So my dad had to put it in the porta-potty. This should 've been our first sign that the day wasn't going as planned.
We decide to bail, and get lunch as this really awesome burger place called Marv's. My mom and I went inside to buy the food, and were told there was a 45 minute wait for takeout. So we left, and decided to buy chips and drinks and stuff at a connivance store down the road. This was our second sign to turn around, and just go home.
Then we went to the lake. I hate the lake, so I sat in the car most of the time and caught up on my reading assignment for English. There was a bee outside that kept bugging my sister and Mom. I decided to go outside and bug them, because my sister and I had gotten in a fight earlier that day. I turned my iPod up full blast and started singing Kleptomaniac by Joe Jonas at the top of my lungs. Then, I went back in the car. Five minutes later, my mom screamed an ran in the car. The bee stung her in the hand. This was her first bee sting by a live bee. That was our third and final warning, but again we ignored it.
"Let's take the back way home." My dad suggested. We all liked that idea. My dad knew the area pretty well, and we figured he could take us home okay. We were wrong. We drove around all day. We were hopelessly lost. Then, a small cloud came out of nowhere, and it started pouring rain. We has to pull over because it was so muddy we woud've gotten stuck. Then it started to hail, and my parents were getting scared. We were lost. It was pouring rain, and it was going to get dark in three hours.
We had seen tracks on a road a couple miles before, and we decided they must've been ours, so after the rain stopped, we started following the tracks, and we ran into Eugene. "You lost too?" He asked.
"Yeah. We were thinking this was the way back to Enterprise, so that's where we're headed." My dad replied.
"Oh no!" Eugene's wife said quickly. "That leads to a cliff with three cows on the end, and six feet of water underneath."
Our jaws dropped. Where the heck were we!?
Eugene seemed to know where we were, and he said we could follow him. He lead us into Slaughter Creek, and onto the main road. We were safe! Seven hours after leaving the lake, we were safe. It was so strange. If we hadn't have found Eugene, who knows how long we could've been out there.
I'm not a very religious person, despite the fact that I live in Utah. I was so freaked out about the prospect of spending the night in the car in the middle of no where, eating juice boxes and potato chips for dinner that I prayed. That's very out of character for me. I just prayed for us to be guided home safely, and about 15 minutes later we ran into Eugene. That was the first time in my life I've prayed, and gotten an immediate answer.
So that was my crazy adventure to the Corn Festival. And the biggest bummer, WE DIDN'T EVEN BUY ANY CORN!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
I Feel The Pain All Over My Body
When Joe Jonas sang I'm Sorry earlier this week, i was so excited. The second time I listened to it, I started bawling like a baby and thinking, "Joseph Adam Jonas, when did you start reading my mind?" I can relate directly to every single lyric on that song, which is different for me. I've never felt that before. If the songs about Demi (not that I really care, this is just an example) then I can relate to it in such an extreme way.
I was never a 'Jemi' supporter because I knew exactly what he was doing, the moment they confirmed they were dating. He gave in. Having a best friend that has a crush on you, is a delicate thing to deal with. Especially if the feelings aren't mutual. When I was younger, my guy best friend told me several times that he was sick of being just friend, He was "in love with me" as much as a 5th grader can be in love. Things became so awkward between us, I gave in and decided to try it. I hoped he'd either realize I wasn't right for him, or I would somehow start to feel the same.
Neither of those things happened. And a year later, we were in middle school, and things were changing. Couples were holding hands and hugging, not playing all the time at recess.That's when I knew I couldn't do it. I couldn't keep leading him on. It wasn't fair to either of us. So I broke it off. He pretended he understood, but I know he didn't. He was angry, and hurt.
Things have never been the same between us. There's a small, awkward wall we've both built. I quietly tell him about the guys in my life, and he brags about the girls in his. At school, I'm known as "the girl who dumped ______ in the sixth grade for a punk ass skater.Which isn't really true.
I can't stand the super Jemi fans, because they remind me of some of my friends that always say I'll end up marrying my guy best friend because deep down we're still in love. We're not. He's my best friend, and nothing more. I hate when people tell us we should get back together. I don't want too. I love him as a friend. I can't love him the way he might love me.
I was never a 'Jemi' supporter because I knew exactly what he was doing, the moment they confirmed they were dating. He gave in. Having a best friend that has a crush on you, is a delicate thing to deal with. Especially if the feelings aren't mutual. When I was younger, my guy best friend told me several times that he was sick of being just friend, He was "in love with me" as much as a 5th grader can be in love. Things became so awkward between us, I gave in and decided to try it. I hoped he'd either realize I wasn't right for him, or I would somehow start to feel the same.
Neither of those things happened. And a year later, we were in middle school, and things were changing. Couples were holding hands and hugging, not playing all the time at recess.That's when I knew I couldn't do it. I couldn't keep leading him on. It wasn't fair to either of us. So I broke it off. He pretended he understood, but I know he didn't. He was angry, and hurt.
Things have never been the same between us. There's a small, awkward wall we've both built. I quietly tell him about the guys in my life, and he brags about the girls in his. At school, I'm known as "the girl who dumped ______ in the sixth grade for a punk ass skater.
I can't stand the super Jemi fans, because they remind me of some of my friends that always say I'll end up marrying my guy best friend because deep down we're still in love. We're not. He's my best friend, and nothing more. I hate when people tell us we should get back together. I don't want too. I love him as a friend. I can't love him the way he might love me.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
That's What I Go To School For
Well, school started on Monday. This week has made me sad. My summer is over. Now I have to be in school, with honors classes, no fun electives, and only one special someone who's "What I go to school for." Jonas fans will get the pun. I hate school, because i hate the social aspect of things. I'm shy, and nerdy, and I just have a hard time.
Ugh, I've been such a whiner this week. My poor followers on Twitter has to listen to my rants everyday, and now I'm dumping this junk on my blog readers too.
Sorry the whole v-log thing never worked out. My camera is broken at the moment, so I can't upload pictures or videos. I'm sorry!
Stay Classy
Ugh, I've been such a whiner this week. My poor followers on Twitter has to listen to my rants everyday, and now I'm dumping this junk on my blog readers too.
Sorry the whole v-log thing never worked out. My camera is broken at the moment, so I can't upload pictures or videos. I'm sorry!
Stay Classy
Monday, August 15, 2011
So, if you couldn't tell, today is Joe Jonas' 22nd birthday! I'm so proud of him, and how far he's come over the past few years. He's no longer the crazy, goofy, adorable 18 year old he was when I became a fan on The Best of Both Worlds tour. There's no more purity rings and skinny jeans (as sad as that is)
He's a grown up now, and he's come such a long way. He's finally telling his side of the story with Fastlife hitting the shelves October 11th. (I know the date changed. I don't want to get into THAT right now though)
I mean look at this!

That was on the tour where I first saw them. He was just barely 18.
This is him now...

So yep, there ya go. Stay classy all.
He's a grown up now, and he's come such a long way. He's finally telling his side of the story with Fastlife hitting the shelves October 11th. (I know the date changed. I don't want to get into THAT right now though)
I mean look at this!
That was on the tour where I first saw them. He was just barely 18.
This is him now...
So yep, there ya go. Stay classy all.
Friday, August 12, 2011
So, I can't believe this blog has over 1,000 page views. I'm feeling like Nick Jonas right now, blessed! This blog has really just been a venting tool for me, and a way to share my thoughts with my friends. Even though hardly any of my real life friends check this place out. (From what I can gather) Thank you so much! I'm thinking of maybe doing a V-blog later this weekend, just because I can? Okay. i think I'm going too. Before school starts on Monday. So check back later. And thank you so much! :'D
Stay Classy,
Stay Classy,
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
You'll Start Rolling Your Eyes As Soon As You Read This Post
Joe Jonas was on George Lopez last night! (See, I told you!)
He was charming, funny, and completely adorable! Anyways, just watch the interviews and see. He was great. Especially during the 'Simplier Times' bit. Oh! And for the record I am NOT the girl who sent them a dead shark. I may seem like crazy fangirl, but I'm not that crazy!
He was charming, funny, and completely adorable! Anyways, just watch the interviews and see. He was great. Especially during the 'Simplier Times' bit. Oh! And for the record I am NOT the girl who sent them a dead shark. I may seem like crazy fangirl, but I'm not that crazy!
Saturday, August 6, 2011
They Say the Neon Lights Are Bright...
I LOVE musical theatre. I love everything about musicals. Over the years, I've created a list of musicals, and the roles I want to play in them. I'm in a real musical mood since Nick Jonas is starring in Hairspray this weekend as Link Larkin. He's doing really well, so look it up on Youtube! He's got some great dance moves! ;)
Anyways, here's the list.
Wicked- Elphaba Thropp. Also known as the Wicked Witch of the West.
Chicago- Velma Kelly. A showgirl that murdered her husband and her sister when she caught them together, doin' the "Spread Eagle"
Hairspray- Penny Pingleton. Tracy's best friend, and Seaweed's love interest.
Le Miz- Eponine. In love with Marius, even though he doesn't know it, until her death.
A Very Potter Musical- (Youtube the show, it's hilarious! Darren Criss is amazing.) Draco Malfoy. Watch the play, and you'll see why.
There's more, I just can't really think of them off the top of my head right now.
Anyways, here's the list.
Wicked- Elphaba Thropp. Also known as the Wicked Witch of the West.
Chicago- Velma Kelly. A showgirl that murdered her husband and her sister when she caught them together, doin' the "Spread Eagle"
Hairspray- Penny Pingleton. Tracy's best friend, and Seaweed's love interest.
Le Miz- Eponine. In love with Marius, even though he doesn't know it, until her death.
A Very Potter Musical- (Youtube the show, it's hilarious! Darren Criss is amazing.) Draco Malfoy. Watch the play, and you'll see why.
There's more, I just can't really think of them off the top of my head right now.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
So, last night I went to go see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II. It was so strange, when it ended. I wasn't on the edge of my seat, wondering what the next movie would have in store. It was over, and it had a really nice ending.
I've never been much of a "Potterhead" really. I like the movies, but I've never gotten to a point where I actually wanted to read the books. I tried a couple times, but I never could do it .Everyone says I'm missing out, but what's the point, now that I know how it ends
While I was watching the movie, and Ron and Hermoine (SP?) had that big kiss in the Chamber of Secrets I cried a little, I'm not gonna lie. I just thought it was so ironic that such a tender moment happened in there. When I saw the second movie, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets I cried because I was so scared. I was probably six or seven when I saw it, so don't think I'm a total wimp. The snake speaking scared the ju-ju-bees out of me. It still makes me shudder a little, even now.
It was weird that a movie franchise that's been so, part of everything for a decade is just... over. I don't know. I'm not that sad about it. It just seems so, strange. Ugh, nevermind. I don't even understand myself.
Peace, Love, Jonas,
I've never been much of a "Potterhead" really. I like the movies, but I've never gotten to a point where I actually wanted to read the books. I tried a couple times, but I never could do it .Everyone says I'm missing out, but what's the point, now that I know how it ends
While I was watching the movie, and Ron and Hermoine (SP?) had that big kiss in the Chamber of Secrets I cried a little, I'm not gonna lie. I just thought it was so ironic that such a tender moment happened in there. When I saw the second movie, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets I cried because I was so scared. I was probably six or seven when I saw it, so don't think I'm a total wimp. The snake speaking scared the ju-ju-bees out of me. It still makes me shudder a little, even now.
It was weird that a movie franchise that's been so, part of everything for a decade is just... over. I don't know. I'm not that sad about it. It just seems so, strange. Ugh, nevermind. I don't even understand myself.
Peace, Love, Jonas,
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