I noticed that Twitter was having an ongoing, "100 facts about me" thingy going on. I have no twitter account, so I'll do 100 things here cuz that how I roll!
1) My name's Zoey
2) My middle name is Noel but it was almost O'Hara (hints the name of this blog)
3) I used to think of myself as one of those crazy Jonas Brothers fans that liked them because they were hot.
4) Now I respect them as musicians, and see their music as inspiration (but, they aren't that bad to look at)
5) I curse more then I should. It's a bad habit.
6) I used to hate Taylor Swift, until I actually listened to her music. Now, she's one of the main reasons I write music.
7) I've never been kissed ;)
8) 80% of my songs have been written in my Algebra class. Polynomials are very inspiring.
9) I love Disney musicals. They're my guilty pleasure.
10) I love watching indie comedies.
11) I'm addicted to Saturday Night Live. Seth Myers and Andy Samberg crack me up.
12) My friends have to tell me to shut up when I start talking to about Joe Jonas
13) Is my lucky number. Always has been.
14) I think Justin Bieber is a spotlight stealing jerk.
15) I wrote a song about Joe Jonas. I hope I can play it for him sometime.
16) I'm not very good at being social
17) When I grow up, I want to be a writer, or a Broadway actress with a couple Tony's under my belt.
18) My dog's name is Kyuss.
19) I've always secretly wished I could draw.
20) I like taking pictures.
(Cell phone photography)
21) I hate riding the bus.
22) I'm terrified of getting my learner's next year
23) I almost got Taylor Swift tickets, but it didn't work out.
24) I'm LDS (Mormon) but I'm not very good at it.
25) My best friend's a guy.
26) I'm a hypocrite for being Team Xander after reading
27) I'm addicted to
Psych. I think Shawn Spencer is the best TV character ever. I'd kill to have a guest spot on that show.
28) My favorite Jonas Brother's songs are Black Keys, Turn Right, and Underdog.
29) I'm dying to hear Joe Jonas' solo album.
30) I love Ocean Grove. Garbo is amazing.
31) My dad's an artist.
32) I living in the most boring state you can think of.
33) Chris Farley is awesome. Government cheese.
34) I always wonder what I'd be like to be a wedding planner.
35) P!nk is so kick awesome. F*** Perfect has been my theme song for weeks.
36) I regret blowing off a casting call I got after filling something out at the mall. I swear. the new Disney show coming up,
Madison High was like, written for me.
37) I journal almost everyday.
38) I like writing fan fiction.
39) I'm sort of a hippy.
40) I'm LOVE the play
Wicked but I've never seen it.
41) I was a Twi-hard for about a week in 6th grade.
42) I write songs, but I can't read music.
43) I've read more books then any person should.
44) I sometimes wish I was a pop star.
45) I sing in the shower.
46) I plan on getting a cat when I'm older, and naming him Sean Connery. (There's a great back story to that! Remind to post that one later)
47) I wish I lived by the beach.
48) I liked to be called Zo or Z.
49) I'm almost half way there!
50) My iPod's purple.
51) Growing up, I was obsessed with Blue's Clues.
52) My dad told me that Steve from Blue's Clues didn't leave for college. He quit the show, shaved his head, and joined a rock band.
53) I'm running out of things to say.
54) Wikipedia is a miracle.
55) Conan O'Brian is hilarious. Especially when he uses Wikipedia. tee-hee
56) Someday, I'll be famous for something good.
57) I still think of my hair as blonde, even though it's brown now. Thanks to getting older.
58) I'm not always myself.
59) I am NOT flexible. I can't even touch my toes.
60) My favorite actor is a tie between Jesse Eisenberg (for his work in
The Living Wake I have yet to see
The Social Network) and Mark Wahlberg. (AKA Marky-Mark of New Kidz On the Block)
61) I want to learn American Sign Language.
62) If I could go anywhere, I'd be New York City/
63) One of my goals is to have Conan O'Brian do his little bow thingy on his show when he says my name.
64) I wish I could play guitar.
65) I'm left handed.
66) When I have kids, I'm going to name them Vivianna, Adam, and Violet.
67) I love a good ol' cheesy sitcom every now and then ex:
Full House
68) I still eat mac 'n cheese
69) I tried reading Pride and Prejudice, but it gave me a headache so I stopped. I'm still not sure why they never left Mr. Darcy's house.
70) I think I should be playing Katniss Everdeen in the
Hunger Games movies. No offence to Jennifer Larwrence.
71) My favorite movie right now, (since it usually changes weekly
) The Living Wake
72) Brian Regan is the best comedian ever. He doesn't need to swear or talk about dirty things to have me laughing so hard that I start to cry.
73) I used to dance as a kid.
74) I wish I was funny.
75) My nail's are painted pale green. Like Cassia's silk dress
76) I love bacon and eggs.
77) I talk a lot.
78) When I was younger, I used to make pointless lists in my notebook. I wish I didn't throw them all out.
79) I love irony way too much.
80) I'm the only one at my school who seems to be into all the stuff I'm in.
81) I know WAY to much then any person should about Greek mythology.
82) Sadly, I get way to into books.
83) I have read all of the
Maximum Ride books, and I'm Team Fang for life!
84) I've always wanted a Twitter account.
85) When I was little, I never owned a Ken doll. I had Barbies, and GI Joe's. They had serious six packs.
86) I love laughing so hard I start to cry.
87) Jonas Brother's fans think I'm a crack up. I get like 13 "likes" everytime I make a witty comment on the Jonas's status' on Facebook.
88) I Love car insurance commercials. They get more and more outrageous as the days go on.
89) Favorite bands: Jonas Brothers, Ocean Grove, Vampire Weekend, Going Second.
90) Even though I think Joe is the cutest Jonas, I have more in common with Nick.
91) Le Miz made me cry, and I only heard the music,
92) Purple's my favorite color.
93) I'm running out of things to say.
94) I make lots of typos, so sorry!
95) I had my first can of Coke a year ago, and I hated it.
96) I love the summer.
97) I think hitting golf ball, not golfing is fun.
98) This blog is loads of fun to write.
99) I'm a sucker for a good romance novel.
100) Chick flicks are awesome.
Well that's 100 things about me! :D